1 día completo para hacer negocios.
Exclusivo para industrias de manufactura participantes como expositores.
Estarán ubicadas en el área de Pabellón de Fundidores.
Throughout human history, we have gone through 3 industrial revolutions. The 1st with the arrival of mechanization, steam engines harnessing hydraulic, thermal, and electric energies. Then we had to advance through the 2nd by developing assembly lines, mass production, and electricity. In the 3rd, we saw how we were able to develop computing, digital development, and automation. Currently, we are going through and developing Industry 4.0, which goes hand in hand with the IoT (Internet of Things). In this topic, we will present what this industrial revolution is about and how we can apply it in our foundry workshop.
Presented by: Oscar de León,
Mechatronics Engineer.
Inductotherm Mexico.